Thursday, December 19, 2013


Hierarchy breeds an environment of people working ‘for’ people higher up the food chain. Does it please a leader to know that there are hundreds working ‘for’ or ‘under’ him?

A leader never delights in having people work ‘for’ him but rather loves working ‘with’ people. It is certainly lonely at the top and more than people needing a leader, he needs people because a leader feels compelled to contribute to their welfare. This need stems not from any grandeur and illusory sense of being a ‘superman’ but a quiet self-respect and cognizance of his own ability and a belief that he can make a difference.

He is not fond of the pedestal nor does he use his position to stand out or look down. He is neither craving attention nor respect. He believes in Abraham Lincoln’s quote, “As I will not be a slave, so will I not be a master.”

He never demands loyalty but inspires camaraderie. He, the true leader, is neither a lion nor a mouse but is a swan - gracious, serene, radiant but most striking is his uncanny ability to distinguish between what is righteous and what is not.

Nelson Mandela, fondly called ‘Madiba’ by his fellow countrymen, is one of those rarest of rare species we call, “A True Leader”.

Let us pay our tribute to Madiba by bringing about small changes in how we talk to the people we work with. No act is a favor to the other person but an opportunity for us to express and hence be grateful that there are people we can uplift and guide. There are no subordinates or beneficiaries. There are just people waiting to be inspired. Share, Inspire, guide but most of all, let us be always ready and willing to learn. 

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